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      There are a lot of issues in our province and world but a big one is littering, especially in my neighborhood. I never really understood littering especially in my area because there is garbage cans at every other street light. Any time I see someone litter i always pick it up because there is no reason to throw garbage on the ground and make it look gross. Not only does it look horrible it can also have serious effects on people, animals and the environment. Littering can cause injuries to people like stepping on broken glass, kill animals by getting trapped in the plastic of glass containers, can cause diseases like malaria, and can damage the soil and water. I really hate when people litter so don't do it! A few of my friends and I are planning to clean up around my neighborhood and pick up garbage after exams in hopes that will make a little diffrence in the community. 

"Pretty in Pink. Working Together: A group of GCI Grade 10 students decided to take their anti-bullying campaign to the streets Wednesday by building pink snowmen in front of the school. Kelsey Bean (left) works with Taylor Monteiro to put the final touches of a snowman, while as classmates Mackenzie Dykstra, Paul Bertrand and Lily Platt work in the backround"

    After watching the TED Talk: 3 A's of Awesome I feel very inspired to make to best out of every situation. The three 'A's' were attitude, awarness and authenticity. Neil Pasricha was the speaker of the TED talk and after all these bad things that happened to him, Neil found the good out of the little things. I admired that after losing his wife and best friend he changed his perspective and decided "yeah this really sucks but I'm not going to let it ruin my life. I need to get over this and I will". It really proves that with the right attitude, you can make good things come out of bad things and I can personally relate to his attitude change. Neil went on to write a book about the little things in life that are truly awesome. I've only read a few chapters in the book but it's a great idea and it makes you realize life is great! And like he said, if you have the choice  between being down in the dumps or picking your self up and finding happiness within, why not be happy? Definately a must watch and read!

I am your nutrition
   You are my sweet tooth

I am your role model
   You are my youth

I am your string
   You are my kite

I am your good morning
   You are my good night

Was the FFP learning style for me?
       I think the FFP learning style was good for me becasue I am a very independant worker and I liked how it was mostly self-directed. I enjoyed how we could chose what we wanted to do when it came to doing an assignment. I also liked how it was mostly tech based and how I could make a video or something like that instead of a oral presentation. Although we had some problems with the technology I enjoyed learning about new websites and apps that were really usefull. I enjoyed how we could be as creative as we wanted and Mrs.Wood always made it count for marking. If we had a different teacher I think FFP would've been less fun because Mrs.Wood would always let us have fun with our assinments and what ever we came up with, she would let us do and always find a way to incorprate it into the assignment rubric. I don't know if thats how every FFP teacher is but if it is I would definitley recommend this class to others. It was always fun and I really learned things, maybe less about school and the traditional english class, but more about life.

Generation Jobless Response

We watched a documentry in my FFP class entitled "Generation Jobless". Here are my responses.

      The documentry affected my field of interest by making me rethink pretty much everything. I was almost certain I wanted to go to school for cosmetology or interior design buy now I'm thinking I might doing something mechanical, like a technition or something.
      The specific jobs I am interested in are make-up artist, hairstylist and possibly a stager. My back up plan if cosmetology doesnt work out is a stager and real estate agent.
     You can gain experience by volunteering your time at a job that has to do with what you would like to do. You could also do an internship or get a part time job that is relivant to your long term job of choice.
  I could build my creative skills, my people skills, my working with my hands skills (hand-eye maybe..?).

Career Crusing Quiz
    My first result was Interior Designer which is great because that is what i want to do! The test also opened my eyes to other possible careers that i didn't even consider like Event/Wedding Planner or Exhibit Designer. Most of my result have to do with design which i am happy about because i like designing and i cant see myself sitting in an office all day, every day.

       Feeling pressure to get a summer job? I know I am so I'm going to provide some advice to get a summer job! Even though I am currently looking and have never really had a real job i feel like i can still provide some adivce. Heres some things to achieve the best summer job for you!
       Apply to jobs you feel like you would enjoy. Don't apply to everywhere just to get and job and be miserable, apply to places you think you will have fun, enjoy and are interested in. Another thing is to be confident. If you act timid and shy in your interview, no one will hire you. You need to be confident and put yourself out there. Also, you have to be determined. You probably won't get the first job you apply for and that's okay! Most people don't, you just have to hang in there and keep trying. My last piece of advice to all you students trying to get a part-time job is to best trustworthy. You need to be reliable and on time in order to get and keep your job.
       So when it comes to applying and getting a part-time job you need to apply to places you will enjoy, be confident, you need to be determined to get a job and keep trying and finally be reliable and trustworthy! If you do these things you will be sure to get a great summer job!


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2013

